Fun Friday Quote

Friday, May 10, 2013

This just always makes me laugh! I need to find more quotes from Miss Piggy, she really knows her stuff.  I'm sure she has a lot to say about her man.  I'm remembering this today because tomorrow I have a 5K big deal, I know...except it's at 6:45 in the morning.  I'm not at my peak athletically at that time...luckily I am on the "Cheer team" and not the competitive one!  Wish me luck!  Happy Friday!

What are some quotes  that make you laugh???  I see the same ones online and would love to know more unique ones!!!  Leave them in the comment section.


  1. I hope your race went well!! I love Miss that my daughter watches the Muppets every once in a while I love reliving all those quotes!

    1. Thanks Albertina! It went well...I mostly jogged and was passed by several 9 year olds:) But, that's ok it was for a good cause! Yes, Miss Piggy has great one liners...I've been looking for more fun quotes like this...hope all is well!
