6 MONTHS!!! I have 6 months to the biggest 3 days of my life! I am exhibiting at the Surtex Art Licencing Trade Show in NYC!!! I have never done a trade show, but I feel I have some great ideas and designs to present to buyers/manufacturers. I am about 75% done with my portfolio - I have several designs in my sketch book that are incomplete, but in my head I already know what everything looks like. It feels good to have a clear feeling for everything - now I just need to make it happen. I have researched, researched and researched everything about this little industry for that past year or so and I am ready to just do it!!!
Here is one design I made - it still needs a few finishing touches, but I like where it's heading!..do you?
Check out
Surtex and what it's all about, you will be hearing much more about my journey to NYC!
Dear Laura, How exciting that you'll be exhibiting at Surtex!! Good luck with getting your portfolio together and hope it all goes well for you! I like how your design is progressing. Wini :))