New work

Friday, August 3, 2012

Finishing up more paintings and really loving the outcome of them!  I can't wait to make another and another!  I am feeling really in love with this style and look, but painting is all about experimenting and trying new techniques.  I am working on one now that is a more zoomed in with similar colors.  I will hopfully have that up to share on Monday.

But, as promised a few exciting pieces of new....I have offically signed a fabric deal!  WhooHOoo! I am so excited and it's with a fabulous company who has been so supportive and really loves my patterns.  I will introduce more on the company next week, but be prepared for fabric giveaways in the future.  That reminds me...I am thinking of doing a giveaway next week of one of my 8x10 color abstracts, be sure to check back Monday for the details.

Have a wonderful weekend doing something fantastic!